Monday, March 2, 2009

Back to Work

Howard and I ended our paternity/maternity leave respectively.  Today was his first day back to work while I resumed my day to day responsibilities at home once again.  It was so nice having Howard home for nearly 3 weeks.  I remember when it was time for Howard to return back to work after Howie was born.  I was so scared to be by myself (I was only 20) with Howie and I cried when he left.  Luckily I've matured now and I'm WAY past all that.  I started back in full force today. Here's a run down of my day so far...
I started by getting the kids off to school then walked 1 1/2 miles with the boys. Afterwards I showered and actually put on makeup and then Jack had speech therapy.  I washed and put away 2 loads of laundry and did a light cleaning of our "large" bathroom. And most amazingly I cleaned my bedroom.  It's has been so messy since I had Luke, it looked like clothes and stuff threw up all over the place.  I did a few more odds and ends around the house, and of course I took care of the boys.  I feel accomplished.  I just hope I can keep up the momentum and continue to add more to my day.

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