Monday, December 29, 2008

Scared Out of My Mind!

This morning I gathered up all my strength to go grocery shopping with all the kids.  I don't mind going with the kids, I mind going 8 months pregnant!  I'm miserable right now, but we were running out of some basic staples we always have on hand.  Howard has been going for me lately, but he has to work late tonight and it just couldn't wait any longer.  As I pulled into my "expectant mother" parking space at the commissary I just sat in the car for a couple of minutes to gather my strength (literally) and then all of a sudden this crazy lunatic runs up to my drivers side window and pounds on it!  I nearly peed my pants (not really, but you get the point).  IT WAS HOWARD!!  What a dirty trick.  We had a good laugh afterwards, but he sure scared me pretty good.  He was there this morning shopping for work.  (They give him some money and a shopping list to stock the snack bar.)  So he did his shopping and I did mine all the while Jack was calling for "Da-Da" throughout the store.  Coincidentally we checked out at the same time, so the kids could give Daddy one more kiss and hug before we went our separate ways.  

1 comment:

Angela Draper said...

So glad that it was just Howard. You had me scared there!