Thursday, September 24, 2009

Lil' Paleontologist

The past few days Jack has been very into playing in the sandbox. That's all he wants to do. He takes his dinosaurs out there and buries them and then digs them up. I don't think he even knows what an excavation is, but that's what he's doing.
You can see how serious he gets. He can spend hours out in the backyard. Just last night I had to practically drag him in the house at 7:30pm because it was time for bed.
This last picture was taken with my flash off. It was dusk, but not dark. This picture was taken at the same time the others were, but my flash was on with the previous pictures. If anyone has a tip on how to have my pictures brighter (without being blurry or grainy) lease share. I hate our flash, it seems to darken everything around and behind my subject.

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