Friday, August 14, 2009

What a Big Boy

Luke is now 6 months old. I don't know how much he weighs, because I haven't taken him to his well baby check up yet...I will soon. He is moving around so much now, he rolls every which way and scootches backwards on is tummy. He's NEVER is the same place I leave him anymore.
He can sit for a little while with a Boppy's help, but her prefers his tummy.
Getting ready to eat yummy food
He's eating 2-3 meals a day now, and is really showing a preference for which foods he likes. Sometimes he even turns his nose up to breastfeeding and instead wants baby food. I don't like it when he does that, but it's something I'm going to have to accept whether I like it or not.
He's a side sleeper and LOVES to cuddle up to me at night. I put him to bed in his bassinet (his crib hasn't arrived in the mail yet) and he sleeps there about half the night, but he eventually ends up in my bed to eat and he ends up staying there. I LOVE it, but Howard doesn't so much, so I just have to break the habit before October. Mmmm...we'll see. Maybe Howard will want to snuggle up to him in bed when he returns and I won't have to change a thing. I can hope anyway.

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