Friday, August 14, 2009

First Day of School

We are fortunate to have school start so early here in Oklahoma...I have a few jealous friends, but please do not forget that my children got out of school a whole month early because of our PCS. So really, they had the normal amount of time off from school. Summer break starts before Memorial Day weekend here. are a few photos the morning before school.
They picked out their own outfits.

Erin is in 1st grade and Mrs. Shepherd is her teacher. The first day didn't go very well, but I spoke with Erin's teacher this morning and I hope everything was resolved.

Howie is in 2nd grade and his teacher is Mrs. Richardson. She's been teaching long enough to have been my 2nd grade teacher.

Howie & Erin walked with their friends, Ava & David. We knew them in Washington and they played together as babies.

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