Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snow Day #2

It's another snow day...HIP HIP HOORAY! I love snow days!  Howard's home too which makes it extra better!

Another pajama day for me, yippy!


It was too cold for Luke to go out and play with the big kids, so he got the next best thing. We brought it inside for him on a baking sheet.

Erin also LOVES eat!

Howard bundled up and shoveled/salted the driveway before the kids had a chance to pack it down.

Where did my flower bed go?

Since last year's blizzard wasn't normal here, I heeded every one's advice and didn't buy new gloves or boots for the children this year, thinking that we wouldn't get a lot of snow two years in a row.  I was wrong.  We got really creative.  Howie wore my snow boots and Howard's gloves.  Erin wore Howie's boots from last year and my gloves, and Jack was able to squeeze into his gear from last year.  It was so cold, they were only out for about 25 minutes.

Erin made a small snow fort for little critters.  How thoughtful!

Howie's favorite activity was to throw big chunks of snow in the air and punch them into powder.

Sorry that some of the pictures aren't that great, but I wasn't about to go out and get cold.  I like my warm house very much!


Ongo and Cara said...

I must admit that I am grateful that I live in Hawaii and do not have to shovel snow--I had enough of that on my mission! It would be nice to have a snow day every now and again, though! Enjoy your snow days!

MaryAnn said...

I think it's funny that everyone told you snow is unusual. They said the same thing in 2006 when we were at Altus and got dumped on. Your pictures are great!