Monday, January 10, 2011

Saying Good-Bye

Make sure your speakers are on.

This was taken from my journal...

My mom passed away last night at 10:59pm on December 29, 2010. She was 59 years old. Her birthday was in two weeks. She was taken off of life support around 10:15pm and slowly faded away peacefully. She was medicated to ease any possible discomfort. Ted and Jody held her right hand, while Lisa and I held her left. Lori would occasionally hold her hand as well, but would frequently caress her foot and leg area, or move up to her head and stroke her hair. Linda also was there by her side touching Mom's hand. We kissed her forehead, gave her gentle hugs, and generally tried to keep close physical contact with her as she slipped away. Her heart was strong, but as the oxygen left her body, she noticeably changed color and lost significant body heat. She went from her pale, but alive self, to an ashen yellow color. Her nail beds turned purple and when we finally were able to let go and walk away, her forehead was cold as we gave her one final kiss goodbye. Her hand was still warm when we left because of our body heat. Howard and I were the last to leave her side, it was very difficult to walk away. In all we had Ted Elliott, Jody Elliott, Lori Rich, Lisa Ozanich, myself, Linda Cayton (her best friend), Tony Elliott (whom I might add, offered up a wonderful prayer that provided much comfort over my Mother.), Howard Parkes, Levi Ozanich, Keith Elliott, and  Elena (Jody's girlfriend).


Amber said...

Such a sweet, sacred moment. Thank you for sharing Tina. I am still praying for your peace and comfort.

Unknown said...

My father passed away at the age of 53 and that was indeed a life changing episode in my life. My thoughts and prayers are with you Tina, I know it is not easy.