Sunday, September 5, 2010

My New Project

At our garage sale I sold my very first rocking chair. It was old, ugly, and very comfortable. I've spent many nights rocking and nursing babies to sleep in it, but from a decorating stand point, it was time to go! I made a deal with Howard, I would get rid of the chair and replace it with one of equal or lesser monetary value, using my garage sale funds. Last Tuesday morning I went to the Salvation Army to see what I could find. Oh, I found some wing back chairs alright, but they were horribly overpriced for a thrift store. Like - $89 overpriced!!!! I was disappointed to say the least. That same afternoon I was picking the kids up from the bus stop (which I normally do not do) and found this lovely treasure on the side of the road. FOR FREE!!!! I asked the owners if I could have it (just to make sure) and within a couple minutes Howie and I had it loaded up in the van. Happy day! I will be reupholstering is as soon as I have some time (maybe between 10pm-6am?). I'll post pictures as soon as I'm done, I'm super excited to do something crafty with a practical purpose and not a waste of money.

1 comment:

Tina said...

Nice base shape. Can't wait to see how this turns out!