Thursday, December 31, 2009

Playing Beauty Shop

Erin has been wanting her hair cut for a LONG time, and yesterday I finally cracked. I'd had enough of the tangles, hair in food, food in hair, messy name it! It was getting to the point that I was spending more time just brushing it and not enough time "doing" it (you know...braids, bows...things like that). We set up the beauty shop in the kitchen before bed and went to work.
The wash (she's posing)

The rinse (she's giggling)

24 inches!!!!

9 inches came off

She loves it!


rylissite said...

WOW!!!! It looks so good! I bet she's just thrilled, and you're having fun not having to do so much with the tangles! Good Job!

Jay and Kara Barney said...

How fun! I'm glad you didn't cut it all off (she has such beautiful hair). If turned out cute.