Saturday, January 2, 2010

For Your Viewing Pleasure

Here are a few pictures from Christmas morning. It was a pleasant day and the kids were very happy with Santa this year. Luke wasn't so sure about ripping the paper, but with a little help he managed to get to the good stuff.

I love my new pj's from Grandma Moss!

Ooohh...Playdoh! This will keep me busy for hours!

Eating Nerds candy for breakfast.
Santa sure has a sweet tooth...he always puts a little candy in their stockings and it's usually the first thing they eat Christmas morning. Erin really wanted a robe and slippers this year, she wears it all the time!

Howie was so desperate to play his new DS game, he grabbed Erin's DS since he couldn't find his own. Luckily we found it a few hours later in his room. Howie's our gamer!

Howard and I just relaxed as much as possible and had fun playing with the new toys. There are no pictures of me since I was behind the camera all day. Maybe next year Howard will have camera duty.

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