Saturday, October 30, 2010

Trick-or-Treat...Smell My Feet...

On Saturday night we went trick-or-treating as a family in our neighborhood.  About an hour before we left, our whole neighborhood lost power.  That was fine, until it got dark.  Luckily I had a super powerful military flashlight of Howard's that I was able to use.  Probably the last 15 minutes of being out the power finally came on (by that I mean street lights!)  We were so glad because we had a Charlie Brown show we intended on watching when we got home.

I made Howie's Grim Reaper costume (super easy, and only 99 cents a yard).
Erin's was recycled from last year (her wishes).
Jack was a dinosaur (surprise surprise).
Luke was Jack's Batman costume from 2 years ago that he never wore because Jack had issues with dressing up when he was 2.

He was so serious the whole night, I don't know what his problem was. And yes, I know he's in desperate need of a hair cut!

Jackasaurus walked the whole time, I'm so proud of him.

Erin got to wear some makeup tonight!  I love it when I have an excuse to put makeup on her.  Her eye lashes are to die for when she wears mascara!

Howie became very annoying with his scythe!  I eventually had to take it away from him; it was driving me nuts!

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