Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Happy Birthday Jackasaurus

My dino- child is now 4! He's a crack up and we're so thankful he's in our family! There's never a dull moment when Jack's around. In case you didn't know, he loves anything and everything dinosaur related!

I know this is blurry, but I LOVE his expression in this photo. It's Jack's personality shining through! Later in the day he received a birthday card from my mom in the mail and took all the stickers out that she send and put it on his new scooter. He LOVED the stickers!

Jack also LOVES puzzles, especially dinosaur puzzles. He got started right away. His were small and simple, the large 1000 piece puzzle is what the older kids and I are currently working on. Hopefully it will be done and put away before Howard gets home.

Like his Lego T-Rex? I had to put it together for him. He took it apart later in the evening...an hour of my time crumbled to pieces in a matter of seconds!

He tried to blow his candle out about 4 times, but for some reason he just couldn't do it. Erin eventually did it for him. He's been super sick the past few days and he slept most of his birthday. I felt so bad for him. He posed for the pictures and that's about it. I think he only took one bite of his cake.

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