Sunday, August 22, 2010

I've Been Purging!

One of my biggest weakness would have to be my piles of paper I have around the house. I always find a few convenient places to put my stuff, but it's always an eye sore. Sometimes I pile it all up and hide it in a closet, but not this weekend! I filled a recycle bin to the brim with paper. I feel so much better! I went through ALL my trouble spots (and trouble drawers) around the house (Howard knows which one's I'm talking about!) and combined them all into one HUGE pile. Then I went to work! Here is my finished product, I'm so happy!

I purged our all-purpose cabinet to the right. It had a mix of craft/computer/paper supplies in it. I'm not embarrassed anymore if someone were to look in it. Come on over and take a peek!

Here's a close up of my desk. I finally decided to get rid of my crap collector desk organizer, it was taking up too much space. I also drilled a small hole in the back of our desk so I could finally put our keyboard on the keyboard tray.

Notice the top of the's finally empty! Hopefully it will stay that way! Don't worry Howard, I found your lunch box a home in the pantry.

Another trouble spot. The higher counter and the one to the right of the sink also turns into our dumping grounds. I've repented and will try to do my best to keep it clean and clear!

I'm having a garage sale this Saturday because I'm tired of picking up and taking care of my stuff. I have more important things to play with my kids! I recently came across a very inspiring blog about simplifying and minimizing, take a look! As a side note, I endorse her simplistic lifestyle, not her politics. Just so you know.


MaryAnn said...

I love purging! Once the girls start school next week I plan on doing a lot of it - I'm so excited! Good job, your house looks fabulous!

moaspen said...

I need to teach my hubby how to purge! I do not like clutter at all. looks great!