Monday, November 30, 2009

We live!

We moved into our new house on Wednesday (yep...the day before Thanksgiving). Understandably, blogging has not been high on my list of things to do (until today). So here's a recap of the long weekend.
Tuesday night (24th) - finish packing, load up U-haul.
Wednesday (25th) - Sign paperwork on house, move in, unpack
Thanksgiving - Bake bread in my new kitchen, spent with the Gardner's. (The food was delicious and the company of friends was even better.) Howie, Erin, Jack spend the night there.
Black Friday - 2:30am got up and went shopping with Howard and Luke. (Luke slept almost the entire time in his baby carrier.) Went to 4 stores and scored some deals!!! We were home by 9am.
Saturday - Unpacked, unpacked, and unpacked some more. The boy's bedroom furniture was also delivered that day.
Sunday - Church in our new ward, hung some pictures
Monday - Back to school and work for everyone.

Here is our trampoline that Howard stood in line for 2 hours to get. It was worth it! We've been promising the kids one ever since we moved back to the States and we finally followed through on our promise.
We got him for free!

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