Sunday, November 8, 2009


I know I'm a week late, but better than never. Last weekend we drove over to Missouri to visit my sister for Halloween. On the way there we stayed in a hotel and went to an indoor waterpark. The kids had a blast (except Luke, he was fussy that day)! Don't have any pictures, since we were swimming and keeping a watchful eye on the kids. Here are some pictures of our Halloween.
We have Dracula, Jackasaurus, and a witch.
Erin and her cousin Jackie. They are about a year apart in age and got along really well. They loved matching that day. Jackie was also a witch for Halloween. It was too cute.
Here is my very last minute costume that I picked up at the store earlier that day. I'm dressed as my Grandpa Simmons....big ears run in the family.
Here's Howard...almost every year he is a scarecrow. I made it for him for Howie's first Halloween. I have a Dorothy costume, but I can't fit into it yet...hopefully next year. Oh yeah, wanna know why Luke's not dressed up? Luke's costume was the first one I purchased this year, but we forgot to pack it! Oh no!!! He was supposed to be a little giraffe. I was more sad about it than he was!
Here's all the kids playing with uncle Levi. The other little green kiddo is Nadia, she was a froggy. She's so stinkin' cute, I wish I could take both of my nieces home with me! I'd keep them forever if I could.

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