Sunday, May 20, 2012

Spring Re-cap

WOW! It's been so long since I last posted that blogger changed its format. 
Anyway - Here's a little re-cap of the past couple of months.

Spring Break

Spring break was spent on "staycation". We did a lot of activities around town (library, rollerskating, movies) and we also took a little trip down to Texas. It was a good excuse to get a hotel room - the kids LOVE hotels!

Along the river at Dinosaur State Park

  We even enjoyed some authentic Texan BBQ.

 Chillin' in the hotel room.

School and Hair

 I've been having more fun with my hair lately. Recently I started finding gray hairs (just a few), and decided that it was time to start coloring. I haven't done anything drastic, all natural colors - just enough to hide any gray.  I currently have a slight A-line bob. 

I also just finished the spring semester in college. I'm a Sophomore.  This year I had a 4.0 both semesters. I'm really proud of myself and I am so happy that I am back in school after a 12 year break. I'm currently at the local community college, waiting for PCS orders so that I can apply to a four year university at our next duty station. I've really worked hard this year and I have learned so much. I'm much better off because of it, unfortunately my house is not. I've been using my break time to catch up on chores around the house, but I would much rather be doing school work.


 All the kids have been in soccer since March. Fortunately, we only have practice on 2 nights a week for all of the kids and all the games are on Saturday mornings. Many times we've had overlapping games times, so we've had to split up to watch the games. Good thing Howard didn't deploy this year like we had planned.  I've decided that I'm not a very good "soccer mom" and prefer other activities over sports. Some of the kids have decided they don't like sports either, but we made them finish out the season since they were on a team and needed to fulfill their commitment. Overall, I'm very proud of their sportsmanship. 

A Visit from Paul

Paul is our super special friend that we hadn't seen since 2005. He was passing through Oklahoma and stopped for a short visit. We had a great time. Paul introduced Howard and I in January 2000. We actually met in Paul's apartment, so we can thank him for our marriage. :)

 At the Myriad Botanical Gardens Children's Park

 Having some fun with Daddy.

 Paul had recently purchased a gun and was anxious to try it out. We got a sitter for you little boys and went shooting. I was surprised at how much fun I had and how fast the time went by. Before we knew it, the shooting range was closing for the night. The only bad thing that happened was a bullet casing popped up and fell down the front of my shirt, burning me. I now have a scar on my chest from it. Ugh!

 I was impressed with the kids, they were very mature and were very responsible handling the gun. Of course we were hovering over them like white on rice, but they still did a good job.


 Howard recently snapped some snuggle time on a Sunday morning. There's usually not a morning that I don't wake up with an extra body in bed with me.

Luke and I have the mornings to ourselves while Jack is at pre-school. Normally it is spent at the gym, but sometimes I stay home to catch up on house work. Luke was so excited to show off his "work". I'm happy we finally have a rug in our living room. We haven't had anything since we put down the flooring last spring. It's nice and cozy now.

I can't guarantee that I'll update this blog very much anymore. I'll try, but life is keeping me too busy to carry a camera around wherever I go. 

1 comment:

who? me?! said...

awww, I'm sad that you won't be updating as often. I enjoy reading your blog. But I completely understand. I'm finding myself not really having the time either and taking almost a month to get things posted.