Friday, March 9, 2012

Big News

 About a month ago we found a lost Dachshund named Louie and took care of him until we located his owners. We were so sad to see him go, but happy that he was reunited with his family. Ever since then we've been wanting another dog for Dash, but we hadn't done anything about it. Yesterday I received a text from Louie's owner asking us if we wanted to keep him. After a quick 5 minute family discussion we decided to take him. He was dropped off at 10am this morning and the dogs are best friends.  It turns out the Louie is older than Dash by 13 days.

The only reason why we had to think about taking him, even for 5 minutes, was because we received some big news on Tuesday from Howard's work. His unit, known as the 3rd Herd, will be shut down at Tinker AFB. That means we will be moving, likely within the year. We're going to try our hardest to go back overseas.  We will miss Oklahoma City very much. We had no idea we would grow to love this city as much as we have. We love being an Air Force family, but each move seems to be harder emotionally since we leave a piece of our heart wherever we go. 

 Louie - age 2


who? me?! said...

Congrats on your new (to you) puppydog!!

But I want to know MORE about this move....

The Roberts said...

Awesome! New family members of the 4 legged kind are cool! Welcome to the family Tucker!
Hope you guys go somewhere cool!