Friday, May 7, 2010

Boys Will Be Boys

Thursday was so nice and warm! After school I didn't make the kids do their homework right away so they could play in the water.
I thought I would introduce Lucas to mud, he LOVED it!
Yummy snack! Tastes like chocolate.
Mud sidewalk art...
What did I get myself into?
We plan on re-doing our front flower bed, so it's currently empty. Right now though it looks like a swamp. The sidewalk and walkways have muddy footprints all over them. I'm praying for a good hard rain to wash it away. I did clean the porch off at least.


Cindy said...

Looks like fun! Good luck with the deployment. Time goes quickly!

Mad about Garden said...

God bless them all . Hope the baby wasn't holding any sharp tools . Sorry it looked to me a sharp one :)

I love babies as they can grow to be whatever they want.

Wish a safe return for their dad soon.

Loved all the photos really.

All the best.