Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Parkhurst Pumpkin Patch

We were supposed to be on vacation these past 2 weeks, but it was postponed due to reasons beyond our control. We're sad about it, but we decided to use our free time by exploring the local area a little bit. We drove about 40 minute out from the base and headed north to Arcadia.
It was love at first sight!
The country roads, beautiful fall colors, lakes, and old farmhouses just mesmerized us! We had so much fun, our only regret is that we didn't go sooner.
Partial family picture (the other kids we off playing).

Another partial family pic...we just completed the corn maze. This was the bridge at the end.
All the kids were able to ride a Shetland pony. They loved it of course!

Luke's first pumpkin.

Jack probably had the most fun!

So we've had a lot of life changes this week and it all started with coming to this pumpkin patch. While we were on the hay ride we met a wonderful LDS family (that's not very common here in Bible Belt, not because of the lack of quality LDS people, but because of the lack of quantity.) Anyway, they were from Edmond (the next city over) and one thing led to another and Howard and I got to talking about moving to Edmond. That was Friday.
All day Saturday we talked about moving off base and all the pros and cons. After researching prices, crime, schools, and things like that we decided to consider Moore (which is south of OKC). Moore is considerably cheaper but with all the nice things still.
Since Sunday morning was Jack's birthday we decided to sleep in, let Jack enjoy his birthday morning and visit a Moore Ward in the afternoon. Turned out the ward we visited had 2 Realtors, 1 in the Bishopric.
Monday we met with Bill Vawter (the Bishopric member) and we went house hunting in Moore with him. On the afternoon of the first day, Bill took us just South of Moore to a small affordable neighborhood. If you drive one way 5 minutes you have all the shopping you need. If you drive a different direction 5 minutes you're in the rich area, and if you drive another 5 minutes in the opposite direction you're in the country. It's the best of both worlds.

It is so beautiful! Country roads, beautiful trees...the works!
Today is Wednesday and we signed a buyers agreement this evening for our NEW home!!!

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