Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Miracles Do Happen!

This is what I found in my shoe this morning after my water aerobics workout. At first I thought it was a piece of glass, then I thought that it was my cheapo CZ earrings falling apart. I tossed is into my bag and I'd worry about my earrings later I thought to myself.
Turned out to be neither, but the real thing...my diamond from my wedding ring!
I noticed that my diamond was missing from my ring a few minutes later while I was doing my makeup in the locker room. I quickly searched my gym bag and found the diamond. I put it in my wallet for safe keeping.

There are so many what ifs!
What if it had been lost in the pool?
The shower?
Anywhere else but my shoe?

I know this may be small, but I feel very blessed today to have received a miracle such as having my diamond fall into my shoe and that I noticed it!

1 comment:

Hammacks - You and Me Plus Three said...

Wow! That is so special that it all fell into place like it did! So glad you were able to get it back before you knew it was missing.

Similar happened to my Mother in Law. She took off some latex gloves when visiting her sick mom in the hospital and her extremely expensive diamond tennis bracelet came off in it too. She threw it away and one of the custodians at the hospital just happened to come right in and found it and ask her if it belonged to her. She hadnt even missed it! Honesty is so real!

Craziness but so happy for you!