Sunday, November 14, 2010

He's HOME!

Howard's home early! Not really if you count that he was supposed to be home last week, but hey...a day earlier than scheduled is good.  I found out Saturday morning that Howard would be coming in at 5:40pm that same night.  I didn't tell the kids and told them a big fat lie.  I said we needed to "practice" going to the airport so we could see how long it takes to drive there and find the area where Daddy would be coming out on Sunday.  I also told them we had to take our signs and ask security if we could have them there.  Since there are a million rules at an airport, the kids totally bought the story.  We arrived less than 5 minutes before Howard came out (I know...good timing on my part.)  I had the kids line up and "practice" holding their signs.  That's why the kids are not at all enthusiastic about this picture. 

As I was taking pictures, another person came over and whispered in my ear that he was coming.  Yeah, I'd say the kids were stunned!  They didn't move at first because they didn't know what to think, so I nudged them and told them to run to Daddy.  I said, "You won't get arrested, the security people understand!" (This summer we had issues at security when we were waiting for a friend and my kids got the evil eye and a talking to from TSA for crossing over a white line.)

I was so excited to take pictures of the kids, I forgot to run up to him and kiss him.  I finally came to my senses and walked up to him and gave him a big kiss.  The crowd cheered and clapped!  It was kind of like a movie (but with a small crowd).  It was sweet seeing strangers cry too.  I admit, I've been that person crying when someone else comes home.  I was really surprised because Howie cried.  It was so sweet!  I must be heartless...I didn't cry.  It was more of a sense of relief!

Our Happy Family!



Scrappy said...

Oh my goodness! That picture of the kids hugging Daddy made me cry! So sweet! I'm so happy for you guys. :-)

Tina said...

I totally cried at your pictures. I love the one of the kids all hugging Howard. Wait, I actually love all of them. So happy for you guys!

Pearcyfamilyfun said...

So Sweet!!! Made my heart a little sad knowing that we will be doing this too. Your family is beautiful!!

moaspen said...

though I've seen it and experienced it many times, it still chokes me up. So glad he's back, Tina!

The Roderick Family said...

So happy he is back and safe. Just in time for the holidays!

Jay and Kara Barney said...

You just made me cry. What a great idea. I bet you loved the look on their faces.
I'm so glad he's back home and safe.

Cassandra said...

Those pictures are so sweet, I like the one where he looks like he's running to see you guys. I'm so happy for you that he's home! :)