Friday, August 17, 2012

St. Louis City Museum

While in Missouri we went to the City Museum in St. Louis.  We didn't do everything simply because there was so much to do. I definitely want to go back on our next trip to Missouri. It's not really a museum (at least what we saw), but an old building converted into a huge inside playground that rivals playgrounds in Japan.

It's difficult to put into words the type of experience that we had. 

Words to describe it would include - dangerous, fun, wet, dirty, hot, dark, exhilarating, imaginative, hard metal, sparkly mirrors, recycled (everything), tunnels, slides, ladders.


We decided to start on the roof and work our way down. On the roof is a large dome. Inside is a large tire rope swing. On the underside of the dome is a ladder/tunnel thing that you can climb up and get to the top of the dome. It looked painful on my knees, so I just took pictures.

 There's also a 1940s ferris wheel.
 Lisa (my sister) and Nadia (my niece) enjoying the ride.

Jackson loved walking on the steps in the pond.

  Erin and Howie are in there.

 Inside was a so fun! The ceiling looked like it was made out of parachute scraps. I'm not sure what it was, but the effect was amazing. These pictures are terrible and do not do this place justice. There were caves, slides, crevices, tunnels and hidden passages everywhere.  There were 4 adults and 6 children in our group. It was really hard to keep an eye on everyone because the kids would just scatter everywhere.


 Jack in one of the iron tubes.

Howard getting ready to go down the Monster Slide.

I was next. Those are my knees and Howard was at the bottom.

Metal tunnels in the ceiling. It was like McDonald's play-tubes on steroids.

Lisa and Levi being silly. To the right of Levi is Jack on a roller slide (just like in Japan).

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