Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Squadron Picnic

About 2 weeks ago we went to the squadron picnic. This was by far the best work function I have ever attended. We had great weather, great food, great location, and great people to hang out with!

They had tanks and aircraft on display outside and a nice museum inside. There were a lot of WWII/Korean/Vietnam War artifacts and LOTS of guns on display dating back to the mid 1800s.
(Civil/Indian/Spanish American Wars)

 This was a good size hill, it's just hard to see based on the photo. The kids got a lot of "pokies" and didn't do it more than the one time.

 Down the hill was a fun bridge. Here they are getting ready to jump!

(It's pretty hilarious how difficult it actually is to get 4 kids of varying ages to jump at the precise moment. Luke was a hopeless case.)

After the Commander and other "important" people were dunked, the kids got a shot at it. Erin and Howie were the only one's who decided to do it since they didn't have a bathing suit, towel, or a change of clothes.

 I agreed to allow them to do it if they promised not to complain about being wet and cold.

They kept their word and didn't complain once!

 Luke was sure excited to get a chance to dunk Howie. He didn't ever hit the target, but was able to push it with the help of older kids.

 Down he goes!


 The water was pretty murky, but Howie and Erin didn't mind. They loved all the attention.