Friday, September 9, 2011


 We're in the swing of things and I'm playing catch-up a little on the blog. These photos are a couple weeks old, but they're still good.  I started school a week after the children did. I have not been in school since Spring 2000! I was really nervous, but now that I have a few weeks under my belt, I'm feeling good about things. I'm taking one Online class, Reading Literature and Writing Argument and one classroom lecture, U.S. History 1865-present.  I am so grateful that I have spent the past 11 years reading American history books, keeping up with current events, and writing on this blog (since 08). It has helped me stay focused academically. Sometimes motherhood makes my brain feel like a wet noodle, but I now have a renewed confidence in my abilities as a student! I'm not 100% sure yet, but I think I want to major in American History and one day be a high school history teacher. ( I change my mind a lot, so this is subject to change.)  Howie told me he wants me to be his teacher. I don't think I'll graduate in time if I take it slow, but once Luke gets into school I might be able to kick it into high gear. Time will only tell.

I have a renewed appreciation for Howard working and providing for our family. He has to associate with many different people every day. Not everyone is nice, but he has to deal with it anyway. Since I have been a homemaker the past 10 years, I have primarily surrounded myself with family or friends who have similar values as myself. I like nice people. You don't have to agree with my religion or politics to be my friend, just a common level of respect. I learned recently at school some people lack the type of respect I am referring to. It's okay if people disagree, but do respectfully please! I obviously need to grow a thicker skin when it comes to criticism. Constructive academic criticism is one thing, but negative and rude is not acceptable!
[I'll stepped off my soapbox now.]

 Here is Jack on his first day of school. He loves school so much! His teacher is WONDERFUL!

The first full week of school was spirit week and we all had a great time on "Wacky Day".

 Some people thought Howie was a girl, I think it's time for a hair cut.

 Erin is just a little bit of everything! I tried to tease her hair, but because of the length, it went horribly wrong. I didn't tell her that, so I just did something crazy and she was happy with it.

Jack was the only kid in his class that did crazy hair. His teachers LOVED it! 

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