Saturday, March 13, 2010

Finally...An Updated Picture

Parkes Family 2010
We finally had our family picture taken. I'm not thrilled with it, but it's good enough. You should have seen some of the faces the kids gave us. I was not amused! I think next year will be better when Luke is a little older. **Knock on wood.** Let's just say, it wasn't really a fun experience with all the kids. Kind of ironic when you're all stressed out, snapping at the kids, and saying in your mean mom voice, "Smile for the camera!"

We lived through it and treated the kids out to McD's Playland for dinner.

One more's kind of hard to see, but the little boy's shirts were supposed to tie in the girl green shirts and boy blue shirts since they have both colors. But it doesn't look as cohesive as I would have liked.

On a positive note, I'm sportin' my new $10 hair cut. I went to a beauty college last week and the student was even kind enough to teach me HOW to style my hair. I've never had that before and I'm so grateful to her for showing me. I'm fairly plain most of the time, but it's because I just don't know what I'm doing (or I'm lazy). I'm so happy I can finally re-create what the beauty shop did for once.

1 comment:

Suzanna said...

You guys look great! I read your post about adopting TWO THUMBS UP! That is very commendable. I hope to some day adopt as well. I want to do state adoption, so many children need homes from the very state you live in. Funny thing is that I thought I already added you to my blog. Well, great seeing you!