Monday, February 8, 2010

Extreme Makeover - Home Edition

Our family had the wonderful opportunity to see Extreme Makeover - Home Edition in REAL LIFE! Our home builder, Ideal Homes, was the builder that was able to bless the life of the Skaggs family just south of OKC. Since we are an Ideal Home homeowner, we were invited to a special dinner on location. It was a pretty neat experience and it had such a wonderful atmosphere. Everyone was so kind, and the general attitude was to bless this one family's life and help them out. From what I understand the family was currently in about 600 sq ft and their new home is just shy of 3,000 sq ft. I am so thankful that we purchased our home from Ideal Homes. They are truly a wonderful company, have exceptional employees, and make a superior product!

This line of trailers extended about 1/2 mile. This only shows a small part of it. We had to take a shuttle bus to the site because there was no where to park. It was seriously CRAZY!

Here's Howie with his VIP badge in front of the home. They really do work 24/7 to complete the house. There was mud everywhere and the working conditions were terrible, but almost everyone had a smile on their face.

Here's that gang, except of course Howard, since he's playing photographer. It's hard to see Luke's head, but he's wearing a black cap to keep his head warm and he's looking away. Yeah I know, Howie's going to be as tall as me in no time.

On the way home Howard and I were driving through a small town and Howard said out loud, "I wonder what the speed limit is? I should slow down." Not 2 seconds later we saw flashing lights! Too funny. Fortunately the officer was kind and gave Howard a written warning.

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