We're all settled in our hotel for the night in Albuquerque, NM. Luke was so happy to be out of his car seat, this picture doesn't do him justice. He was so content tonight just being in a position different for that of his car seat. The kids enjoyed a nice swim in the hotel pool to get some energy out of their systems, while Luke and I sat next to the pool and enjoyed the splashing. It was just a little bit too cold for him to enjoy the water...maybe next time.

Earlier today we took a detour that a friend suggested, instead of going north through Flagstaff, we headed north east on some state routes. It was so beautiful! Arizona has some beautiful scenery when you get off of the interstate system. Howard and I purchased walkie-talkies since we are driving 2 cars, we had fun talking back and forth with each other since we don't have cell phones. We had to stop every two hours give or take, so that the kids could go pee or Luke could eat. We were fortunate to be able to stop at a campground to feed Luke in the late morning. It was in the mid 70s, and absolutely beautiful. The kids collected pine cones and we're going to make bird feeders with them when we get to OKC. The kids can put some peanut butter and bird seed on them and we'll hang them in our trees in our yard, we have several.

We'll be getting to OKC on Thursday evening...CAN'T WAIT!
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