Saturday morning came too quickly and it was time to say good-bye to Howard. Up until the night before I was just fine, but then on Friday evening and all morning Saturday I was a wreck! Howard got up early and got himself all ready for his little trip, but between 7 and 9am he fed the kids breakfast and spent some last minute quality time with them. We had lots of hugs, cuddles and kisses to go around before it was time to leave. To make it a little easier on me, I decided that I would just load the kids up in the car when Howard got in the car (Howard actually buckled the kids up for me) and we left the base together. I went in the opposite direction to go see a morning showing of "Up" with the kids to keep our minds off of the new separation. Howard started on his way to Mississippi. He stopped in Louisiana for the night halfway there. I spoke with him tonight and he's safely at Keesler AFB.

This past week has been CRAZY! We are SO SO SO grateful for our home on base and especially that we could move in right away. (We arrived in
OKC on Thursday night and we got our house keys Friday morning!) What a blessing. Then for 5 nights straight we painted our walls. And we also spent a good deal of our time shopping (I hate shopping now) for all kinds of, mattresses, a broom, lawn mower, paint, etc. All of those random things that you need right away before your stuff comes. Another blessing that we had was that we received 2/3 of our stuff already, it came on Tuesday. How awesome is that?! We're just waiting on our big shipment from Okinawa, but since we have our furniture from storage we're living fairly comfortably. I'm just missing my home decor items (notice the bare walls?) and other random items. Howard is
truly the best husband in the world! I don't know what I would have done without him this week. Honestly this week has been a miracle in itself, Howard helped me get done so many things that would have literally taken me months to do by myself. Luke can get pretty fussy at times and Jack is very rowdy, so I don't have a lot of free time to do much beyond the basics of cooking, cleaning, and spending time with the kids. Unpacking, painting, and decorating would have been a nightmare by myself. I still have some stuff to do, but nothing very overwhelming.
It is always hard to see them go no matter how many times you have done it!! Good luck!! our prayers are with you!!
I am glad that you are in your house least you didn't have to spend 2 months in TLF!! How long is Howard gone for?
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