Now that I have all of my stuff out of storage, I have the daunting task of going through it all and keeping the good and tossing the junk. Most of it is junk, but I have a couple boxes of letters and other personal effects from my youth. It brought back a lot of fond memories (and icky ones too) as I read through the cards and letters. I found A LOT of wedding invitations and announcements, birth announcements, cards, and letters. I just wanted to share a few samplings of my treasures I found today...
This was from a birthday card from my sister. I don't think that I really got the joke when I received this card, but it's pretty funny to me now!
"You know it's going to be a bad day when the elastic waistband in you pants breaks...
...and they still fit!"
This next one was a letter from a dear friend in middle school (I didn't consider him a dear friend then, but in hindsight, he's a real keeper.) I wish ALL boys were like this! I hope he doesn't mind me sharing this.
Dear Tina,
Yes I do "like" you. I like you first because you are a strong Christian. The Bible says "Do not be unequally yoked". I also like the way your attitude toward school is. The Bible also reads "Wisdom is supreme over riches and fame." I also like you because you have a great personality. I like the way you talk, the way you laugh, and the way you smile. I also think you are very "beautiful". I use the word "beautiful" because it doesn't have an impure atmosphere about it. The Bible also reads "Treat young women as your mother". For me, using the word "beautiful" keeps a proper respect.
XXXX (I know who it is, but I wanted to keep his name private, just in case he's embarrassed.)
P.S. I printed this letter so it could be read. I apologize for any spelling errors I may have made. I also apologize for anything I may have said or done that may have offended you.
How cute was that?! I fixed all of the spelling errors when I re-typed it. This letter is 15 years old. His parents really taught him how to respect women, I hope that I can teach my boys to do the same, especially in this day and age.
Lastly is a Valentine's poem written by my first high school boyfriend to me. After reading through all of the cards he gave me, I think that he was a lot more serious about our relationship than I was. He was a nice boy but I didn't want to lead him on, that's why I broke up with him after 3 months, I just didn't feel the same way he did.
Your lips are like the fire of a passionate flame.
Your hair is a river of chocolate; flowing sweet and pure.
Your figure appears to have been molded by the hands of Venus.
Your eyes pierce my inner most feeling of love.
You are the promised gift of Valentine's Day.
This poem was a little too steamy for a 14 year old (that was me, he was 16). It gave me weird feelings, on one hand it's well written and very romantic, and on the other hand...I was only 14! That's too young for this kind of stuff. He was a very smart young man, not your typical teenage boy.
Now I need to give Howard credit for something...I don't want him to feel left out. I also found some of our first cards and letters, but I'll keep those between him and I. Howard isn't one to write me poetry or even be super mushy, but the best thing that I could ever get from him is HONESTY. He's pretty straight forward and doesn't really sugar coat anything, I like it that way. He's not infatuated with me like these other boys were years ago, but he's truly in love with me (on good and bad days). Tomorrow is Father's day and as a special treat for him, I'll let him sleep in as long as he wants, I'll make sure the kids won't wake him up, and he won't even have to change a diaper! Now that sounds like a nice day to me. Happy Father's Day Howard, I miss you!
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