We are enjoying our time here in Mesa, AZ. It's about 100 degrees, but since it's a dry heat, it feels way different. Sometimes my skin feels like it's on fire, but I'm not sweating...weird! It just feels like we're in an oven here in the southwest instead of a steamy bathroom in Okinawa.
Howard and I went on a date to the Mesa Temple this afternoon while his sister Edna tended to the children for us. It was a nice break, peace and quiet. We also had a quick lunch in the cafeteria, for some reason I think Temple food is delicious! After we were done in the Temple we went over to the visitors center since Edna was meeting us there. We have been wanting to see the Joseph Smith movie for a long time now, so that's what we wended up doing. Two times during the movie Jack said he had to go pee, so Howard took him, but he failed to produce any results. Finally the third time he said he had to go pee, Howard ignored him. After whining about it for a minute or two, Jack strips down naked (on the bottom half anyway, he left his t-shirt on) and starts yelling that he has to go pee. I try to get his pants back on before we exited the theater to go potty, but he just kept screaming, so he went to the potty half naked. Third times the charm, he finally peed on the toilet for me. I was embarrassed that Jack was having one of his toddler moments, but grateful that we were able to make it to the bathroom without anyone seeing him naked. (I didn't take this picture I have posted, but I had to add something nice for everyone to look at.)
1 comment:
That's great you were able to go to the temple and see the Joseph Smith movie. I love that movie. I can't wait to get it on DVD some time.
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