I'm using this post to grip and complain about my day. This was the most recent problem, Erin got gum in her hair. Normally the kids don't chew gum, but I bought some for the plane ride Thursday and the kids found it. Thank goodness I had peanut butter!

Here is our lovely view from the 3rd floor. You would think it would be nicer since we're on an island.

The base recently renovated the lodging for families here. It was closed for over a year and yet, they still failed to install an elevator. I know it's good exercise for me, but this is NOT fun taking a 2 year old, a 3 month old, groceries, and a stroller up and down all by myself. We are on the top floor!

They also failed to put in new refrigerators. Yes, that is rust around the freezer. There are also water drops in the freezer. I have to keep the milk in the freezer to keep it cold enough. The fridge is worse than an ice chest.

This morning when I did laundry, I did not see the purple crayon that Howie left in his pants. There was only one article of clothing that did not get marked up. I used my stain stick liberally and I bought some bleach (notice it in the first picture) and I saved the clothes! Thank goodness!!
Last but not least, Howard was in a car accident today! It wasn't his fault, but it's still a hassle. He's okay, no one got hurt at least. Thank goodness there were witnesses, because the lady that hit him would not take responsibility. Once everything was all said and done and the police report was filed, Howard was cleared of any fault.
I hope tomorrow is a better day!
Oh my goodness! All of this right before you leave, wow. I'm sorry it's been a rough day. I'm so glad he was cleared of any responsibility in the accident, that would be all you need! I really hope the next few days are much better, and more relaxing before you leave!
Oh my goodness! All of this right before you leave, wow. I'm sorry it's been a rough day. I'm so glad he was cleared of any responsibility in the accident, that would be all you need! I really hope the next few days are much better, and more relaxing before you leave!
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