Monday, February 18, 2013

Jackson's First Real Prank

This story is too good not to share. It's too long for a Facebook update, so here you go...

Howard had today off of work, so after we picked Jackson up from 1/2 day Kindergarten we went out to lunch - a Chinese buffet.  After Howard paid, he set his wallet on the table. A minute later Jackson swiped it off the table and hid it on his chair.  Howard, Lucas, and I did not notice a thing. Once we got out to the van, Jackson (very casually) said, "hey Dad, you left your wallet on the table." Howard immediately started running back inside, because he didn't have his wallet and thought he left it inside. A second later Jackson started busting up in laughter and pointed to Howard's wallet on the floor of the van where he put it. I quickly yelled back at Howard to return to the van. Jack told us everything that happened. Even after Jackson told us the details we still can't remember him taking the wallet off of the table. We were all laughing so hard, since this was his first real practical joke without the assistance or encouragement of anyone else (he's only 6). That was quick thinking on Jackson's part, since he only had a matter of seconds to pull it off without getting caught.

We had a great laugh, but I did remind Jackson that jokes like that are not always appropriate and to not do it to anyone else. Hope you enjoyed the story, but now that I read it in written form, it's not nearly as funny as the real life events. You just had to be there to fully appreciate Jackson's prank.

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