Monday, October 17, 2011

Father Son Camp Out

This weekend while Erin and I had our lovely girl time, the boys were able to go on the church's father/son camp out.  They went to Red Rock Canyon State Park, and Howard said it was even better than the Chickasaw Natl Rec Area.  As soon as we have time time and good weather (who knows when that will be?) in the same weekend, we will go back as a family.  Since Howard had to leave right after work on Friday, I was in charge of packing. I did great except for one thing - I forgot to pack pillows. Sorry boys! Erin and I are looking forward to more father and son outings, we enjoyed the peace and quiet!

 Luke was camera shy.

 Howie loved the rock climbing. According to Jackson, they "climbed a mountain".

Howard assisted with another boy. The boy's father was up the wall on the other side keeping everyone safe. If you notice carefully, Howard is doing it without ropes or anything. Maybe not the safest thing to do, but I was impressed.  Although, it's only impressive AFTER he did it and told me about it in the safety of our home.

 This is what you get when a 9 year old is in charge of the camera. (Plus 20 more of these poses.)

Brotherly love. They may fight and tease each other until I cry, but I know they love each other very much.

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