Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas! 
It may not seem like I am in the Christmas spirit, for lack of holiday posts, but I do have the spirit!
On the day after Thanksgiving (and after we were done Black Friday shopping) we decorated for Christmas!  This is the first time that we've put lights up outside since Howie was a baby.  I'm so glad we did.  It's so pretty!

Erin usually has the honors of putting up the star (or angel, whichever we use that year).
After many failed attempts on her part, Howard had to step in and finish.  We have a new tree this year, so that's why it was difficult.

Howard and I are HUGE fans of live trees, but because of our move to Okinawa we went artificial (one year in Oki, many of our neighbors did NOT have Christmas trees because of shipping problems!  So sad!)  Anyway, we replaced our pathetic tree last year after Christmas and scored this one for $17!!!!  I'm only a fan of skinny trees because we never know how big our house will be from one year to the next, and it takes up less space.  Eventually we will have a large tree, but not for many years.  We also have a 2ft children's tree for all of their homemade ornaments.  It's in the kitchen. Love it!

We will be going to my sister's for Christmas this year and we are so excited to share it with them.  It's wonderful being so close to family.  7 hour drive is close!

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