1. I found out I was pregnant with Howie 2 weeks after Howard left for basic training.
2. Howie was born exactly 9 months after my 20th birthday. (grin, grin)
3. Howie was born naturally on his due date 1/19/02. I've heard only 5% of babies come on their due dates.
4. I was in labor for 2 days with Howie. My contractions started Thursday late afternoon and he was FINALLY born at 5:07PM Saturday! It took so long because he was in an awful position. I almost had a c-section (they were giving Howard scrubs to suit up), but at the last minute the doctor reached inside of me and pushed Howie's head into the proper position and out he came. I was in bed for a week recovering from giving birth. And since it was January he was born during a snow storm (go figure.)

Here he is about 15-30 minutes after he was born (I can't quite remember because I was so drugged up.)

Howie at 10 months old.
5. He learned to walk at 9 1/2 months, and took his first steps on Halloween.
2 1/2 years old, beautiful blue eyes!
6. Howie became a big brother when he was exactly 18months old (7/19/03).
7. Howie finished potty training when he was 2yrs 11months.
4 1/2 years old, being silly with his cousin Jackie.
8. Lost his first tooth when he was 4 yrs old. It was knocked out by Erin's head. The permanent tooth finally started peeking out this week (it only took 3 years).
Happy 7th birthday Howie!
Howie is a typical boy in every way...
he likes girls (already!)
he's rough and tumble
very active
likes boy stuff.
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