Yesterday I had a few church meetings and I kept getting comments like, "Have you dropped?" I don't know, maybe it was the shirt. Although I have felt more pressure down south and less pain in my ribs. Anyway I thought I would take a picture. I can definitely feel my body changing and getting ready for this baby to come. Ever since the holidays we've been very busy and our final 3 big events before the baby comes will be Howie's birthday on Monday, the Pinewood Derby on the 24th, and another surgery for Jack on the 28th. Afterwards I plan on washing all of Luke's clothes and trying to get the house in better shape before he comes. Some of you may be thinking that I have plenty of time, but Jack came at 37 1/2 weeks, so I need to be ready just in case.
You look adorable! I can't wait to see that little guy. Good luck with these last couple weeks.
I got that background at thecutestblogontheblock.com. Their site is down so when I plugged in the web address it took me somewhere else. It took me almost about 2 weeks to get a new background! GOOD LUCK! Also, I noticed that you guys will be going to Ok? When's the big move and what is Jack having surgery for? I'm glad you commented on my blog. I all but lost my blog a few months back and I'm still missing some addresses. Now I have yours :)
Yeah!!! good luck and pack your bag first!!let us know when you have him!!
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