Friday, June 7, 2013


On my way home from Missouri I had Howie take a few pictures on our usual route. A few days later I went on a little walking tour of the hardest hit neighborhoods nearest me. Briarwood Elementary, which is completely gone is less than a mile from my house. Pictures don't do it justice. The despair, heartache, and sense of grief hangs over the city. As I think about what I want to share with everyone, my mind freely flows. When I sit down to type it, I am at a loss for words that can adequately describe what the residents of Moore and OKC have gone through. I find it more therapeutic talking with a stranger in the grocery store about what happened than a friend or family member who does not live here. We share in each others pain and loss. When I went to the local Home Depot today, they knew my house was hit based upon what I was buying. They just knew. Now that I have been out into the community I can see that my house really only suffered minor damage. An inconvenience for our family - that is all. Seeing a lifetime of memories turned into rubble in a matter of seconds is just unimaginable. 

 This was a 7-Eleven. 
We went here for drinks on the day of the children's dance recital. This is where 3 people died.

 This was our doctor's office.
To my knowledge everyone got out safety.

 I drive past these homes every day. They are about a 1/2 mile from my house.

Stores I drive by every day. 

19th Street 

 19th Street

 I was standing in their dining room when I took this picture. Their home just a slab now.

 Not sure how anyone survived in this neighborhood hit by the EF-5.

 On my walk today I noticed flags everywhere. It is a beautiful sight among the carnage.

Another house on my walk. More homes I drive by every single day. 


ksalter said...

Tina, how devastating! I'm so sorry you and your neighbors have had to go through. We have definitely been praying for you!

Kathi Salter

Parkes Family said...

Thank you Kathi!