Autumn is HERE!

Excited for Halloween because it's that much closer to Howard coming home.

Beautiful colors in our yard...

Let's get to the point of what this post is all about...
This is what happened when...
The kids had no school on Friday,
We wore our pajama's ALL day,
It rained on Friday & Saturday,
Jack was sick (he still is!),
and I spent the whole time sewing (or tending to the kids).

Using their imagination with Tupperware...oh what a mess!

My temporary sewing corner and disastrous room.
It's NOT normally like this, only when I do projects or am laid up in bed for a week from surgery.

The kids sure had a fun time building "cushion forts" as they like to call it.

I know, it's pathetic.
BUT, on the bright side, my house has once again been restored to order (mostly), but I didn't take pictures of that. You can look at older posts if you forgot what it looks like clean.
Now to the finished products...TA-DA!

Erin's dress for Sunday, the 31st.
She has some super cute black shiny boots she will be wearing with it. I love it! Also, my sewing skillz have greatly improved because I didn't care for the sleeves that came with the pattern, so I made my own cap sleeves to go with it and they turned out great!

I also added the rick-rack, because I love it so much and had extra from my apron.
This dress was an "easy" 1 hour pattern, but it took me longer than that, since I'm still a beginner.

Here's my skirt I'll be wearing that Sunday. I have a simple black t-shirt that will go well with it! My fabric is the same as Erin's, except the webs are obviously colored in.

Detail of the pleats and pattern.
I also sewed Howie's Grim Reaper costume, but it's just a boring black hooded cape, sorry no pictures.